Weird Animals, animal sex, Animal reproduction


3) Salmons

This is another weird animal that really portrays the dark side of nature. These schools of fishes are known to swim upstream, which could be hundreds of miles, against strong water currents, obsessively seeking the streams and gravel beds where they were born so that they can spawn there.


Once the fishes have located the unique chemical signature that depicts their home, they excavate a nest where the female lays her egg for the male to fertilize. Soon afterward, the salmons die.


This is almost like nature setting up so many obstacles that would ultimately lead to the death of these fishes. For example, if the grueling journey back home, with predators lurking around, doesn’t kill them, then the spawning definitely would.


It is still a mystery what makes the salmons so obsessed with finding their way back home.


Tags: Animal Marsupial Parasite Praying Mantis Salmon Spiders Weird animals

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