1) Norhanie Pangulima
Here are 3 techniques, on how to go viral, which work when creating a viral blog post:
A) Put a lot of thought into your Title/Headline.
This is the first thing readers will notice and would make them want to click your post. Be sure to make the headline catchy, and most of all, win trust by making it relevant. Nothing annoys readers more than clicking a post because of its headline then finding out that the content has nothing to do with the title.
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B) Have timely content.
To make a post go viral, make sure that your content is not so 2000’s. Make sure to do your homework about what people want to read right now and then create your post around it. No one likes to read outdated content so ensure that your content is current. Much better if you can create timeless content.
C) Do your SEO research.
A post cannot go viral if people can’t find it. So, make sure to do your keyword research and use it to your advantage when creating your post. Find the relevant keywords and then sprinkle it all over your content.
2) Nidhi Joshi
With the proliferation of social media networks, there is more and more potential for any type of content to go viral. Furthermore, viral content can help one to get many high-quality backlinks and hence increase blog exposure to a vast audience.
A blog post, to go viral, has to afflict a chord that many people can resonate with. Usually, viral content includes qualities such as Funny, Controversial, Unique, Popular or Trendy Topic.
Here are certain rules you must follow while writing any viral post.
A) Write an attention snatching introduction
A Superior introduction, reels in the reader, promises them what they will learn or achieve by reading the post and gets them to stay on the page.
Affirm an amazing fact and show your readers how the steps in your blog post are going to achieve this. Disclose the result of your blog post and initiate what the reader is going to learn by reading your blog post.
B) Merge trendy with original
Emulate with the news, Google Trends, popular magazines and do research and analysis on sites like eFor-real, Quora, Reddit to see what people are currently reading, watching, and discussing.
While it assists to choose a popular topic, if you want your blog post to go viral you must have an original take on it. Do not just replicate something you found somewhere else. Possibly you can post a controversial opinion, citing affirmation against what some experts claim.
C) Use videos and images
Photos and videos are good for attracting people’s attention and making it more likely that they will share your post so in result will help you to make your blog post more popular.
You might create a short video where you give your thoughts on a topic. Rather than just trying to spread the video, although, you can insert it into a blog post and make some relevant comments as well.
D) Grasp the power of social media
The more you share your content, the more likely it is that it will spread. To do this, you must go out of your way to connect with people on social media and social bookmarking sites.
E) Study and generate viral content ideas
Every single day there are new viral videos, photos, and blog posts. Go to different sites and see which posts and contents rise to the top and there you can get esteem guidelines.
Also, discover your competitors and learn from them.
3) Malte Scholz
The simplest technique for writing a viral post is to research what has already been written on a topic and write something better.
We use two tools for this: BuzzSumo and Ahrefs. First, BuzzSumo tells us the most popular content for a certain search term and Ahrefs tells us what type of content has the highest number of backlinks and ranks well for it.
Once we have this knowledge, we know what kind of content people want to read, and what kind of content gets links. Armed with this information, we come up with:
a) A catchy title (we run it through CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer)
b) A great keyword to optimize the article for
c) A great post structure
d) Ideas for formatting, length and the type of content to include besides text
Once we put all of these together, we can create an amazing post that goes viral.
4) Adam Hempenstall
There are two conditions you need to meet if you want your post to go viral:
A) You need to have data.
If you want someone to get interested and read through the whole post is to have quantitative data, ideally backed up by some kind of research.
One of our most popular posts is backed up by research we did on over 180,000 proposals, which our customers sent through our app. When we wrote the post, we used the data that no one else had before us. It was new, interesting and people could learn from it.
B) You need to make it actionable.
This means that once someone reads your post, they can use the knowledge from it and immediately apply it in their life or work.
If they can immediately learn from it, readers will be more inclined to share it as well. If you meet these two conditions, you can write a viral post on just about any topic under the Sun.
5) Miranda Paquet
My tried-and-true strategy on how to go viral with a blog post is to collect useful tips from top experts on a timely topic. By including tips from experts you are making it more likely that they will share your article with their large audiences, thus, expanding your reach. *
*For example, I once worked on a piece of content called “50 Expert Tips for Getting Started on Social Media.” I requested tips from the leading voices in social media, and when the article was complete, many of them shared the article with their sizable online audiences. That tip list instantly skyrocketed to one of our most popular articles and has now been viewed over 680,000 times. *
*If collecting 50 tips from various sources sounds like too much work, an in-depth case study of a big-name company can also go viral quickly. Something like “How Disney Creates Viral Content” would likely catch on quickly because of the use of a household name and a desirable outcome. Before you publish, make sure your headline is irresistible so people can’t help but read and share it.*
6) Madeleine Seah
I would recommend, based on my experience on how to go viral, that you create roundup posts. Roundup posts are blog posts that feature contributions from experts. They attract a lot of traffic when participating experts share it with their social followings.
Apart from that, these posts are the type of content people want to share because they are a compilation of smart insights from experts.
Here’s how you can create a roundup post:
a) Pick a topic
b) Select the people you want to include in the roundup
c) Reach out to them
After the post is live, you can promote it by sharing it with your audience or asking the contributors to share it.
7) Kenny Trinh
It’s pretty easy to make a post go viral. The challenge for you and everyone else is making sure there’s an infrastructure in place to help push it out. You can’t count on things going viral organically. For example, a post I wrote performed well without me doing anything because some people decided to post it, which wasn’t something in my control.
So you have to focus on the stuff you do control, and there’s a formula that you can follow.
A) Make sure the blog post is great, not good. Plenty of people write good blog posts. You know you have a great one when people are passing the post around unprompted.
B) (Money permitting) boost your post on the service it’s performing best on. (This could be in the form of a Facebook Ad, for example.) You should NOT, under any circumstances, post your link more than once on Facebook or Twitter or ask people for shares. Doing so will penalize you in their system.
C) If you have an email list, and you should, then make sure you send out a link to the post being passed around to your subscribers as a “Hey, did you see this?” kind of thing.
D) Do some outreach to relevant contacts that you have and share the link with them, but only if you’ve done the work in developing those contacts. Don’t just cold pitch people your links. No one f**king cares, with one exception …you!
E) Contact the media/reporters where their beats are relevant to the blog post. The post, if it does truly go viral, may find their way to them anyway, but it doesn’t hurt to send something anyway.
Note: You should always be cultivating your relationships with reporters regardless of whether or not you have something to share. This way it’s never a cold pitch when you send them something.
If you do all these steps successfully, provided you have a great post that people are already passing around, then you increase the likelihood that the post will go viral. There is no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to word of mouth or any sort of marketing endeavor. All you can do is increase what I call the “probability of success.” These steps will increase that probability.
8) Alex Williams
My top tips on how to go viral using a post are as follows:
A) write about something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about;
B) include engaging images, infographics (see page bottom), and GIFs and
C) be funny!
The most interesting blogs are written by people who are super passionate about their topic and want to share their thoughts and opinions with like-minded people.
The blog content will need to be accurate, interesting and if possible unique, this will help drive traffic to your blog and increase social sharing of your blog, all resulting in a higher chance for it to go viral.
It’s commonly known that readers are more likely to engage with a blog that is broken up with relevant images and infographics (see at page bottom).
At Hosting Data, we use a lot of GIFs in our articles and blogs that are popular at the moment and can portray an emotion or opinion without having to say it.
Finally, and when appropriate, underpin your blog with humor whenever possible. Readers will be more engaged with content that is lighthearted and funny and therefore more likely to share it, helping the blog to go viral.
9) Caleb Chen
I have written blog posts that have gone viral (top link on Reddit for the day) before at the Private Internet Access blog.
The simplest technique for writing a viral blog post is finding a topic that is timely and shareable. That is to say, vetting your topic and making sure that you’re contributing something new to the conversation surrounding the topic is very important.
It is the most important way to making sure that your article is shareable, which means that people will want to discuss it and post it on social media where more people can see it, think the same thing, and thus the sharing keeps going.
10) Liz Brown
One way to make a blog post go viral is by making sure that its content and perspective are interesting and thought-provoking and to do that, one should never be afraid to ride against the tide.
Having a difference in opinion with everyone else is not a crime and might even be the best route to follow since its the path that you believe and can dedicate hours of sincerity in.
I believe that viral and influential bloggers aren’t those that have the best or most extensive vocabulary but are those that are best in writing their emotions on paper.
11) Joe Flanagan
This is my opinion on how to go viral as a blog writer for over eight years.
You must fully understand the people you are writing for, to write a viral blog post. It is not possible to write a blog post that every single person would find interesting.
For example, it is highly unlikely that a college professor would find a blog post about guns interesting. Or that 12 years olds would love reading about quantum physics.
You must know who your audience is and what they would like. Another way to write a viral blog post is to answer an important question in your post. For a blog post to be viral, it must successfully answer a question.
12) Anika Reynesh
This is how to go viral: write on a trending topic that everyone is talking about. But you should write it from your perspective. For example, coronavirus is what everyone is talking about and writing on, especially with regards to how dangerous it is, how it is destroying the economy, how to fight coronavirus and to mention these few.
You should write on the topic from a different perspective, for example, like on what we have learned from coronavirus, or where we will all stand after five years of coronavirus outbreak.
Just write what comes to mind without reading the blog of other folks, for research purpose, as that could skew your perception.
13) Ali Ubaid
One of the simple techniques that I use for getting my blog post to go viral is by using infographics in the blog post. This is because, through infographics, anyone can attract huge audiences as they are very easy to understand. You can use this resource to create beautiful infographic templates in minutes.
But keep the below attributes in mind while you build an infographic that has the potential to go viral: