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What Are Some Great Mind-Expanding Books?

The Bible By God 1) Emmanuel Nwaodua, Ph.D. Are you interested in seeking profound wisdom and insights that can transform your life? If so, you want to explore The Bible - one of the most powerful and...

June 27, 20223
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What Are Some Great Mind-Expanding Books?

What Are Some Great Mind-Expanding Books?

June 27, 20222
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What Do You Find Most Disgusting/ Annoying As A College Student?

College Professors Reading Out The Slides As A Lecture 1) Chloe Daniel The most annoying/disgusting thing to me, as a college student, is a professor/teacher/tutor just reading out the slides during a...

May 7, 20223
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How Do I Motivate Myself When I Am About To Give Up?

Do Not Compare Yourself To Others  1) Chad.T. Price In the pursuit of maintaining motivation, it is vital to refrain from comparing oneself to others. Often, the tendency to give up on projects or essential...

March 17, 20223
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March 17, 20223
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How Do I Motivate Myself When I Am About To Give Up?

How Do I Motivate Myself When I Am About To Give Up?

March 17, 20222
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What Do You Wish That Job Recruiters Or Interviewers Did Better/Differently?

1) Mandie Kelleher  I get lots of outreach from job recruiters on LinkedIn. Unfortunately, most communications leave a lot to be desired, and the feeling I get is that recruiters do not respect job candidates...

October 15, 20203
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What Are The Best Social Media Marketing And SEO Techniques Out There?

1) David Kranker Most search engine optimization (SEO) agencies will tell you that one of the best SEO techniques is to create great content and then conduct outreach to get backlinks to the content....

September 2, 20203
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What Are Great Life Lessons That Anyone Can Learn In Seconds?

1) Amanda Ponzar One of the major life lessons that you can learn in a few seconds is to be thankful by making an intentional choice to focus on gratitude. No matter how tough life gets, there is always,...

March 11, 20203
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What Are Great Life Lessons That Anyone Can Learn In Seconds?

What Are Great Lessons For Life That Anyone Can Learn In A Couple Of Seconds?

March 11, 20202
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March 11, 20203
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March 11, 20203
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March 11, 20203
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March 11, 20203
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March 11, 20203
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March 11, 20203