Luke Wilson posted an update in the group
Discovery 6 years, 3 months ago
Scientists Have Created A Material Whose Cellular Structure Is Similar To Wood, But It Is Said To Be Lighter And Strong Than Wood. Some Folks Are Already Calling The Material Artifical Wood. Additional Perks Is That The Material Could Be Modified To Be Magnetic, And Also Resistant To Fire And Corrosion. Cool!
Scientists Create Water- and Fire-Resistant Synthetic Wood from Shrimp Shells – NeatoramaChemists at the University of Science and Technology of China have created synthetic wood using materials derived from the shells of shrimps and crabs: >To create the synthetic wood, scientists took a solution of polymer resin and added a pinch of chitosan, a sugar polymer derived from the shells of shrimp and crabs. They freeze-dried the solution, yielding a structure filled with tiny pores and channels supported by the chitosan. Then they heated the resin to temperatures as high as 200 degrees Celsi…